The home of...
Kitty's Preferences...
Things that make me SICK an' TIRED of bein' SICK an' TIRED...*g*
people that walk in front of you when you is in a rush
An' all the LOVELY THINGS that make me *s*...
Right! I have got you started. My secret plan is to compile a list of the mos' unique n' funny turn-off's n' turn-on's of all the web. You is not that normal, so COME ON!!! Add to my measly li'l list!. PS: I is only postin' things which make me laugh. Boo sucks to ya. It's my bloody site. LOL
My lovely home here is currently under construction; please drop by soon to see my new extension!
Why not make my day and clog up my Inbox with your drivel!!! FOR THE CLEANER-LIVING, THERE'S RANDOM, CRAZY FICTION WITH THE...
Click here to access the Magical Story-Maker! This time you escaped with your life...
'Dis be my lovely home...
too many bags all in one go
them who's had their sense of humour over-ridden
soft mattresses
dishes left in the sink 'til the water's cold
my OTHER baby - Kitty the kick-ass Ibanez-S Classic bitch guitar
smilin' at a stranger an' then havin' a good day
less, less, less
cinnamon n' raisin bagels...mmmm...